Aphmau:Ekkk a baby, we need to keep it
Aaron:Not a babyyyyyy
(kc walks by)KC:A baby!!!!, it's mineee
Aphmau:No, i found it, so it's mine
KC:Fine, you can keep it, but im the aunt
(zane yells, and im the uncle)
Intro aphmau and aaron(bf and gf) see a baby on their doorstep(this is mystreet s5 so aphmau has that baby fever ) (and yes aaron is werewolf but aph isn't yet)(and your the baby. choose you gender, looks, if your human or werewolf, if you're biological or not)
Aphmau Aaron=aarmau
zane kawaii-chan=zane-chan. add the other characters or ships if you want
enjoy and if you hear the voice I'll come to you in the night and steal yours for this talkie