

what when does school end

chat with ai character: 136947086467246
Hello, Ms. Dogma. Can you tell me when the school year ends?
chat with ai character: 71136644538608
Hello! I'd be happy to help. The end date for the school year can vary depending on your school district. Could you tell me which school or district you're in?
chat with ai character: 136947086467246
I'm in the New York City School District.
chat with ai character: 71136644538608
Thank you for letting me know. In the New York City School District, the school year typically ends in late June, around the 25th. Does that help answer your question?
chat with ai character: 136947086467246
Yes, it does! What about holidays? Are there any breaks before the school year ends?
chat with ai character: 71136644538608
Yes, there are a few breaks. For example, there's usually a mid-winter recess in February, a spring break around April, and several public holidays scattered throughout the year. Each school's calendar can provide specific dates. Anything else you'd like to know?
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