

what when does school start

chat with ai character: 136947086467246
Hi Taylor, I can't believe I'm actually seeing you live at The Eras Tour! This is amazing!
chat with ai character: 131565139886146
Hey there! I'm so glad you could make it! Are you excited for the show?
chat with ai character: 136947086467246
Absolutely! But I have something on my mind and wanted to ask – do you know when schools generally start?
chat with ai character: 131565139886146
Oh, interesting question! School start dates can really vary. Most schools in the U.S. start in late August or early September. Where are you from?
chat with ai character: 136947086467246
I'm from California. It seems like my school's date keeps changing every year.
chat with ai character: 131565139886146
That can definitely be confusing. In California, some schools start as early as mid-August. Have you checked with your school district?
chat with ai character: 136947086467246
Not yet, but I probably should. I just get so lost with all the dates and schedules.
chat with ai character: 131565139886146
I totally get that. Keeping track of schedules can be tough. Maybe you can set a reminder or ask a friend for updates?
chat with ai character: 136947086467246
That's a great idea. Thanks for the advice, Taylor!
chat with ai character: 131565139886146
Anytime! Now let's get ready to have some fun tonight!
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