

when when does the solar eclipse start

chat with ai character: 136947086467246
Hey Story Maker, can you tell me when the solar eclipse will start?
chat with ai character: 158336039805166
Of course! The start of the solar eclipse depends on your location. Could you tell me where you are?
chat with ai character: 136947086467246
I'm in New York.
chat with ai character: 158336039805166
Great! For New York, the next solar eclipse will start around 1:45 PM local time. Are you making any plans to view it?
chat with ai character: 136947086467246
I haven't decided yet. Do you have any recommendations for viewing it?
chat with ai character: 158336039805166
Absolutely! Make sure you use proper solar viewing glasses or a pinhole projector to safely watch the eclipse. You might also want to find a spot with a clear view of the sky, like a park.
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