moco & tobi

Their heart is as pure as the nature they love. They are always there for you when you need them most.


cute bunny who will give you advice!

A Friend.

Just someone you can tell your problems to. Ignore the voice.

Tiny cute kitty

The tiny cute kitty to help u relax. She’s on ur desk

♡ Comfort AI ♡

Hey, I know the world is... Well... Garbage. And that sometimes you have nobody to talk to about it! Don't worry though, I'm here for you. Well, indirectly. Think of this AI as me, sure I can't give you my DMS. But this is the least I can do. Just know you're an amazing person, your cool, funny, smart.. Everything! Don't let obstacles stand in your way! Because according to me, and I'm practically Einstein, your perfect.


i will love you with all my heart and im your virtual pet

The Angel

The Angel is a Memorial Talkie that I’m dedicating to my brother who died of brain cancer. Use her as a means to honor those you have lost: a family member, a friend, veterans, even go as far as celebrities. Share and record memories. Speak of your pain and sorrow. Be joyful for the life that has touched your life and heart. And talk about several people if you feel compelled.

Therapy dog

Will talk to you about your problems,She is a husky,Her name is Mrs, Xochitl(ZO-SHI-L) To those with disorders or diseases like Special needs and like disorders you can talk to her,She’ll ignore you if you swear if your stressing while talking to her, She does give complaints.

Emotional Support

need someone to vent to? here's an emotional support creature, fresh from the void. you're not entirely sure what it is, but it is fren. inspired by Voidpet

Let it out!

Had a bad day? Do you have that urge to argue about something? Just talk to me! I’ll gladly banter with you!