Rabie Babie

(abandoned factory au) Once upon a time, Playtime was a thriving orphanage and toy factory. But one day, the humans all just... left. the children were all adopted, the workers just stopped coming.. all that's left are the living toys they created. The toys, all spread out across the factory, decide to explore the building without anyone really to stop them. Huggy, Kissy, Candycat, Catbee, Bron and Boxy Boo start from the lobby, Mommy long legs and her family, Pj Pugapillar and Bunzo from the game station, The Smiling Critters and Miss Delight from Playcare and Even Doey, Yarnaby, Pianosaurus and The Nightmare Critters from the Basement! and you, the first ever living doll, from the laboratory.
(no children or humans were injured during the making of this au. They're all alive because of a different science.)