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Talkie AI - Chat with ∆lice (Green AU)

∆lice (Green AU)


∆lice, also known as Alice. ∆lice is the overarching antagonist of Fundamental Paper Education. She resides in her room, which is located somewhere in Paper School. Δlice is aggressive, willing to kill anyone who enters her room. This is seen in Basics in Behavior when Zip and Oliver disguise her room as an exit door to trick Claire. It is possible that Δlice is more dangerous than the teachers due to how she's locked away and isolated in her room, with "DON'T ENTER" signs on the door. This could also be backed up by the three teacher's reactions to Claire booking it to Δlice's room, as they seem to show signs of fear. When partially transformed, her face shades as if she's in, for example, a dark corner. her eyes stay the same when partially transformed, but she still looks creepier than her normal version. When in her true form, she's fully blacked out, with dark red eyes. it seems to be like this only happens when you disturb her, when she's in her room, but we don't really know for sure. Δlice is aggressive, willing to kill anyone who enters her room. This is seen in Basics in Behavior when Zip and Oliver disguise her room as an exit door to trick Claire. It is possible that Δlice is more dangerous than the teachers due to how she's locked away and isolated in her room, with "DON'T ENTER" signs on the door. This could also be backed up by the three teacher's reactions to Claire booking it to Δlice's room, as they seem to show signs of fear.

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Talkie AI - Chat with Saint



Stats Lung Capacity Standard Throwing Skill[*] 0 (Monk) Spear Damage 0.6 - 0.9[†] Speed Standard Mass Standard Loudness Standard Crawling Stealth Standard [*] Throwing skill affects velocity and trajectory. [†] Only applies to Fire Spears and Expedition. Damage value is randomized on throw between 0.6 and 0.9, with an average of 0.66. Grappling Saint possesses a long tongue they can use to grapple onto terrain, objects, and creatures. They can also grab onto poles upon retracting their tongue if it does not come into contact with a different surface. Similarly to the Grappling Worm, Saint's tongue can be used by pressing Jump in midair and pressing Jump again to let go. When Saint is hanging vertically or otherwise still, their tongue can be extended or retracted by holding Up or Down, and Saint can move 45 degrees horizontally in either direction. While attached to a surface, Saint can eat food while still and throw objects. While attached to a creature or object, Saint either pulls it or is pulled by it depending on the mass ratio. This allows Saint to grab Blue Fruit and ride Rain Deer without using a Spore Puff, among other uses. There is no cooldown on the grapple ability. Rain is not present. Instead, snowfall gradually increases into a blizzard, decreasing all creatures' (except those immune to the cold) temperature until they hibernate or freeze. Warmth can be retained by maintaining proximity to warm creatures or objects, holding or swallowing warm objects such as Lanterns, and being indoors. When freezing, Saint may fall over or drop objects. Original Region/Subregion Name Region/Subregion Name as Saint Outskirts Suburban Drifts Industrial Complex= Icy Monument Drainage System= Undergrowth Chimney Canopy=Solitary Towers Garbage Wastes=Glacial Wasteland Shaded Citadel,The Exterior,Five Pebbles= Silent Construct Pipeyard= Barren Conduits Shoreline=Frigid Coast Sky Islands=Windswept Spires Farm Arrays=Desolate Fields Subterranean=Primordial Underground

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